
An exhibition at Museum London
March 5 – May 15, 2022
From Remote Stars: Buckminster Fuller, London, and Speculative Futures is an exhibition of contemporary and historical art. The show is framed by a recording made by artist Greg Curnoe (1936–92) of a talk given in London by Fuller, and brings together the work of 22 artists, from the 1960s to the present. These works range from video to photography, painting, installation, and sculpture.
Featured artists include: Shuvinai Ashoona, Christina Battle, Katherine Boyer, Heather Campbell, Greg Curnoe, Jade Doskow, Gillian Dykeman, Erin Elder, David Hartt, Farhiya Jama, Jessica Karuhanga, Mary Kavanagh, Rita Letendre, Colin Lyons, Jason McLean, Doug Mitchell, Kitaay bizhikikwe/Amanda Myers, Julie Nagam, Dan Patterson, Skawennati, Amanda White, and Kelly Wood.
For information on visiting the exhibition at Museum London, please see the museum’s website.
May 15, 2-4pm: Closing Reception – Join us in person at Museum London to bid farewell to the exhibition. Free and open to the public.
April 7, 1-3pm EST: Join us online for a virtual event featuring artist Jade Doskow and author Cal Flyn.
March 17, 7pm: Join us at Museum London for a tour of From Remote Stars, followed by a talk by artist Kitaay Bizhikikwe/Amanda Myers.
May 5, 12-1:30pm EST: Join us for a virtual screening and discussion with artist Mary Kavanagh and scholar Sara Matthews.
Listen to the exhibition curators discuss the research behind the show on Active History’s History Slam podcast (episode 209).
Check out Kim Neudorf’s review of the exhibition on Akimblog.
Learn more about the exhibition in Deb Van Brenk’s recent article in Western News.